onsdag 25 september 2013

:: A pink card for a girl ::

I made this card for one of Viggos friends when she turned five. She is the daugther of one of my eldest friends. We have known each other since we was six years old and now our kids are the same age. And yes I was six for thirty seven years ago ;)

My friends has mostly boys so it´s so fun to make something girlie fo a change. I made this for a SWE challenge. The challenge was to loft one of Ingrer/Ingbas cute cards. A fun challenge!

I actually made this in August and haven´t started to color so much with Copics then so this is with Distress Refillers.

I love flowers and I love purple and lilac!!

1 kommentar:

Cath. sa...

Alla dina kort är så fantastiskt vackra! Önskar jag kunde få till det som du! Kramar!