tisdag 19 mars 2013

:: Finally my page from the Finnabair class ::

Time flies and it was a while ago now that I perticipated in a class with Ania Finnabair Dabrowska. She was one amazing and sweet girl. Of course I allready knew that she´s a wonderful scrapper  ;)

This is the layout I did during the class! I ruined my photo with mist so I have replaced it with a new one.
When I take a class live I try to incorporate something from the teacher on my work. This is a piece of the paperbag that the class kit was in.
I brought some stuff with me to the class and some of it was included in the kit.
It was fun to use so much metallic! That I´m not used to.
I found some old metallic buttons in a jar at home.
I like the numbers and think I must buy more of them!
Can you see the sparkle?

5 kommentarer:

Cattiegirl sa...

LO:n är hur fin som helst och jag fullkomligt älskar detaljen med Finnabairs logga lite gömd! Genialiskt! :-)

Malin/malwa sa...

En kanonläcker layout i Finnabair's anda, men med LillBlomman-känsla. :)

morkaren sa...

Nej for et skønt LO, jeg elsker dit farvevalg, det er så smukt. knus morkaren.

Vibeke sa...

Hei hei.
Nå har jeg kikket gjennom bloggen din - så utrolig mye flott du har laget siden sist jeg var innom. Uff - jeg er altfor dårlig til å kommentere. Skal skjerpe meg - lover:):)

Denne layouten var utrolig kul!! Og jeg synes at den er veldig deg jeg. Du har fått frem din scrappestil. Likte den utrolig godt.

Håper du får en fin uke.


ScrapMyran sa...

Så tokläckert, jag gillar verkligen färgerna i den!