onsdag 13 mars 2013

:: Papirdesign and OUAS ::

I love, love my supplies from Papirdesign! The papers are beutiful and it´s so fun to use all the embillishments also! On this page have I used, besides the papers, chipboard hearts, large white flowers, mini Roses and bling swirls from Papirdesign! 

I also perticipate on OUAS with this page. They always have the most beutiful sketches! This month the Theme was The Weekend. 

Viggo starts his weekend on Fridays. He really loves going to kindergarden but he use to ask me - Är jag ledig idag? That means Am I free today in swedish. My journaling is hidden on the small tags. It tells what we usually do when we are free.
Some stamping, a bit of a doily and a cute rhinestone from Papirdesign.
Cute, cute chipboard heart and Roses!
I cut paperstrips and layered them.

6 kommentarer:

Stephi sa...

men så fin den är Ullis, ljuvlig och så fint ihopsatt. Vad fin han är på bilden :-)
Kortet under är oxå såå fint. Kram

Helena sa...

Beautiful take on the challenge. Love the muted color palette. Thank you for sharing your work with us at OUAS.

Bodil Hansen sa...

Super smuk LO du har lavet - mange fine detaljer

Susy sa...

Så snyggt, helt underbart layout och snygga färger!

Önskar dig en bra helg!


EFI sa...

Simple elegance and just utterly beautiful! Thank you so much for playing along with us at OUAS!

Cathy Lane sa...

Such a stunning layout!! Gorgeous colours!!x