onsdag 25 september 2013

:: Wiiii I´m on the Green Tara Designteam!!!

I can´t belive it! When I read my e-mail this morning there was a letter from the sweet Di Garling! I alsmost didn´t dare to open it but when I did I alsmost fell off my chair! They loved my work and wanted me on the team! I fell in love with Green Tara flowers when I was on the Meg´s garden team and now I´m one of the GT girls! Green Tara has so many wonderful products and I can´t wait to get started. My term will start in November and end in April so for six month I will play and create with this fab supplies!

If you want to see who my team mates are follow the link: http://www.greentara1.blogspot.se/2013/09/announcing-new-green-tara-design-team.html

Thank you Allison O´Reilley for this opportunity! I´m so honored and will love every minute!

4 kommentarer:

Vicky Alberto sa...

Congrats - they are a great company to design for :)

Sandrine Dawes sa...

Back on a team together Ulrika yipee!

Adriana B sa...

congrats well done :) happy for you :)

Cath. sa...

GRATTIS!!! Kramar i massor!