torsdag 27 oktober 2011

:: More chrismas cards ::

I have a lot of christmas cards I have to make before christmas! I just love making them and when I can play with papers from Pion it makes it even moore fun! This card I´m really pleased with. It´s simple yet decorated.

These colors feel christmas for me. I have also used one of the cute vintage pictures from Pion.

This Spellbinder die i bought in Karlstad. I never seem to have all I want;) And punches you can combine with eachother to fun snowflakes are a must have thing.

And like so often I used a Rub-on from Melissa Frances.

4 kommentarer:

Anneli Mellstrand sa...

Detta var ett 10 poängs kort , kanon fint tycker jag ............



Angelica sa...

Älskar papperen, och jag måste nog kolla lite mer på det här med "rubons"

Petra/Paradise sa...

Diggar hur du sytt med ljus tråd längs motivets kanter, det blev väldans fint :)

Trevlig helg gumman!
kram Petra

Catta/eldhexan sa...

Oj, vilket snyggt kort! Är impad av hur fint du får till det med symaskinen!
