lördag 24 mars 2012

:: My layout as GDT The Color Room ::

I´m so proud and honored to be a Guestdesigner over at The Color Room! I just love the Room and there´s Design Team are just great! Every week people upload tons of gorgeous work! Make sure to check out my layout, card and my presentation over at The Color Room!

Today I want to show you my layout! The card comes in a few days. I have used both the colorpalette and sketch for this page. The palette included blue, pink, green and purple all picked from Pions Fairytale of Spring collection!

4 kommentarer:

Gitte sa...

Nydeligt layout.
God weekend.

ÅsaJ sa...


Cath. sa...

Superläcker och så snyggt det var att fixa till kanterna med kantstansen sådär, måste jag också testa!
Kramar i massor!

danni reid. sa...

love all the flowers, this is such a beautiful page!