tisdag 1 maj 2012

:: Prima PPP april ::

I love making canvases! If you have visited my blog before I´m sure you have seen my She Art and other stuff. But for the first, but not the last, I made one with material from Prima! I have worked in the same way with lot´s of layers and textures. I started with different papers from Prima. Then I used a lace, some cut out prints from Prima. I used a Doilie as a Stencil together with Modelingpaste colored with lightblue acrylis paint. Then I used a lot of different stamps from Prima and Rub-ons from Prima. The Fairy I cut out and then I colored her with PitPens. She also got some Blingz on her skirt. Finally I doodled with a black pen and painted a bit with Gesso and yellow acrylic paint. I just love this canvas and I´m really pleased with the result! Hope you like it too!

14 kommentarer:

Gitte Jensen sa...

Hvor er den super fin ;) Kh Gitte

Maja Stokk / eyovine sa...

Fantastisk!!! Du är så otroligt inspirerande. Nu vill jag ju kladda lite... men sol ute och en trädgård som behöver lite omvårdnad och kärlek... så det får bli sen...

Kramiz Maja

Outi sa...

Alldeles underbar! Skulle gärna ha den på väggen hemma:-)
Kram Outi

Anonym sa...

Helt fantastisk canvas!
Kram Hanna

Karolina sa...

Super fin tavla!! :))
/ Karolina

Karolina sa...

Super fin tavla!! :))
/ Karolina

Anonym sa...

Vilka underbara pasteller, och så de små gula prickarna som gör hela alstret så soligt glatt!

Camilla - Bitz n picez sa...

Men du!!! Skiiit snyggt! Å vad jag gillar den här.

Marita Johansson sa...

Åhhh ett sånt faktiskt tjusigt kort

Marita Johansson sa...

Menade ju canvas

Stephi sa...

ursäkta ordvalet men SHit vilken grym tavla!!!! Jag ser ett vinnar alster!

Sindra sa...

I really love your canvas, it is super cute!
Best regards
Sindra from Austria

Sindra sa...

I really love your canvas, it is super cute!
Best regards
Sindra from Austria

Emelie sa...

Gud så fin! Du är fantastiskt duktig!