When I first got my DT kit from Emma at Scraplagret I started to fuzzycutting out a lot of the cute images. For this one I used all of it that I never used for my earlier pages.

First a Tag then stickers and the bird. Last some rhinestones and all of it from MME.

Lot´s of different pieces here! Banner stickers, Doilys, die-cut doilys and the rosette at the left sida are glued on the angel border.

Printed some words on my computer.

More layers, stickers and so on. Here and there I doodled a bit to bring out some of the elements.

On focused boy handing out all the Christmas presents.

4 kommentarer:
Layouten är verkligen jättejättefin! Tycker om detaljerna och ja, helheten!
Super flot layout.
Denne LO gir virkelig Jule stemning, Liker alle disse små detaljene som flagget, engelen og alle vimplene
This is so gorgoues, have a fab weekend :)
Beautifully designed Ullis! love love love the fussy cutting and the kraft background really makes all the colours and details pop wonderfully! duktig kille! kramis
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