torsdag 29 november 2012

:: Christmas page with My Minds Eye ::

Wiiii I really love my page for the day!!! When I created it first I had a misted background but ended up with cutting out all the layering and glued it to a new softer background. Much better!

When I first got my DT kit from Emma at Scraplagret I started to fuzzycutting out a lot of the cute images. For this one I used all of it that I never used for my earlier pages.

First a Tag then stickers and the bird. Last some rhinestones and all of it from MME.

Lot´s of different pieces here! Banner stickers, Doilys, die-cut doilys and the rosette at the left sida are glued on the angel border.

Printed some words on my computer.

More layers, stickers and so on. Here and there I doodled a bit to bring out some of the elements.

On focused boy handing out all the Christmas presents.

4 kommentarer:

Eivor Larsson sa...

Layouten är verkligen jättejättefin! Tycker om detaljerna och ja, helheten!


Gitte sa...

Super flot layout.

Tone-Lill sa...

Denne LO gir virkelig Jule stemning, Liker alle disse små detaljene som flagget, engelen og alle vimplene
This is so gorgoues, have a fab weekend :)

Eila Sandberg sa...

Beautifully designed Ullis! love love love the fussy cutting and the kraft background really makes all the colours and details pop wonderfully! duktig kille! kramis