Lately I have become one alterlady :) I love to come up with ideas of how I can use old things in a new way. Today I will show you both my top 5 alter and my top 5 Mixed- media things. I realize that I havent made so many canvases during 2012? That is one thing I want to do more of in 2013! Find my way back to playing with colors and mixed-media besides using it on my layouts.
I have created some really nice things for Inzpira during 2012 but I haven´t take any good pictures of them yeat. And some of them I cant´t show you yeat, I have to wait 3 mounth after they have been publiced in the magazine before I can show it in my blog.
One birdhouse turned in to Santas house!
Little birdhouses made in to Christmas tree ornaments.
Paperbags for Kindergarden teachers.
One minialbum in Tag shape.
White boxes made in to a weddingcake! This is for sale if anyone are interested ;) All layers can be opened for gifts or memories.
And now over to my Mimxed-media work. 5 things and one bonus :)
This painting I made for a very dear friend. The words on it are meaningsful to her and that makes it very special. She really loved it and man did it made my heart warm!
This painting will be a huge memorie for me! I created it on a live class with Christy Tomlinsson!
My first canvas with clothes on. I love to come up with ideas for dresses when I make my girls so this was fun! The words are from a Beatles song.
This girl is from my colorweek I held in my blog 2012. One new color every day for a whole week! This was the red day and it makes me happy! Love her Uggs ;)
One Book cover I made. Totally playful and free!
And one bonus page from my Art-journal. This page will be my goals for 2013. Health and balance, Creative freedom! I draw the eye and then I printed it out on my computer. I love Butterflies and they mean freedom and summer for me! Hope you liked my work!
4 kommentarer:
väldigt fina alster du visar. Tycker om din stil, alltid välgjort och genomtänkt. Stor kram
men ååå de är ju så fiiina allihopa! å vad bra att du skrev om inzpira för jag har varit så osäker på hur tidigt man får publicera dem men min var ju med för så längesen så det borde vara mycket mer än 3 månader sen :-)
Mycket fint var det här. Gillar verkligen dina canvas och aj-sidor. Och tomtehuset överst är ju bara sååååå sött!
Vilka fantastiska grejer!!
Är lite extra svag för minialbumet med tags och den fina canvasen du gjorde på kursen hos Christy! Jag förstår att du har en speciell plats i ditt hjärta för den!!!
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