söndag 24 februari 2013

:: BAP February ::

This is my take on Primas BAP February and I love my page! I had so much fun creating it. I took the photo of the Owl in October and it´s such a cool picture. But it took me a while to come up with the idea how to use it. But now I did! Please read the whole title :)

Try to be wise as an Owl because knowledge gives you freedom! 
Lots of layers and flowers here! I like this color scheme for the Owl. But now my supply from Prima shrinks for every week so it good to know more is on the way :)
Look how beutiful he/she is! And look at the eye contact I got!
I used a little bit of Gesso on my flowers. I always like to get my fingers dirty ;)
I cut banners from different papers.
And the hot air baloon is also from one Prima paper. It just needed some fussy cutting.
I hope you will have a nice Sunday! I´m really tired after my class with Ania Finnabair Dabrowska I attended yesterday. But wow what fun it was! So much inspiration and new knowledge! I will show you the page I did soon but I must change my photo on it because I ruined it with pink spray :)

4 kommentarer:

Gitte sa...

Wow hvor er det flot. Så mange flotte detaljer.
God søndag.

Maja Stokk / eyovine sa...

Så himlans läcker!!! Gillar titeln och designen. Så mycket läckert att titta på. Synd att vi missade varandra igår... men det lär väl bli fler gånger.


Pernilla ~Pillan~ sa...

Gud så läcker!! Så mycket fint att titta på. Sitter och dreglar över allt fint du fått till. De papprena fr Prima är ju underbara... Har ett paket på väg t mig nu med en del nya Prima-papper :-) kram

Eila Sandberg sa...

Mustigt och så himla mulligt!! råläcker layout Ullias! Synd att vi inte sågs längre än den hastiga kramen i korridoren, men det var nog tur att du inte förtog dig. Såg hos Riikka att vi syns i oktober, tjohoo! går på Donna på söndagen och Gerry på lördagen. Finn tar jag på fredag kväll. Kramkram